Welcome to a brief rundown of the stuff that I entered into my flog in the year 2022

(And this is a rip of last years page, which was a rip of the years before, etc etc) which means no CSS and loads of tables, if it aint broke ... automate it!)

Jan dusty
standing at the standing desk setup for standing and sitting
graphing 2021 posts
yearly summary 2021
a few Movie and Series reviews
Life has become a little more strenuous than normal
Feb three times happy update job learning and octopus
a short walk to a d20
four black disks and some spaghetti
guess the thing with the things in it
super slicing makes little difference to text
how long is your gcode file name for the ender
exporting correctly scaled stls for prusa slicer from blender
extruding projected text into blender meshes
setting up blender for 3d print modeling
you got how many youtube subscribers
Mar Blender 3 slips through my bash fingers once again
glitches in the flog matrix
THE BATMAN is relentless
Apr two more shark enclosures awaiting clouds waves and sharks
fighting for ssh push for the shark project
where are the images
3d printing a motorcycling monk
a beehive of 3d printed coin holders
blinking at the octoprint
offline highlighting to decrease your javascript dependancies part 2
offline highlighting to decrease your javascript dependancies
Docking a 3D printer with OctoPrint
so long dnet stats
flog markdown fix
Markdown takes over part 1
wifi in the wind - tale of woe
May what git git diff is when it comes to windows files on linux
debogging claws spam quagmire
guide popping pills
Jun easy way to fix missing flog images
just one more dragon head print
A glut of cinema reviews
Jul its time to complain about the weather again
designing a printable dice tower with spiral staircase
spam spam bmw spam spam
what do you mean it is too hot to blog
Aug is developer mode ruining your scrolling experience?
Sep all cyber arrows point to tattoo
Oct binary evangelical post to fill the void of October
Nov 418 i am a teapot short and stout
S3 says yes computer says no
dungeon tape for hacking the ancients
hacking an escape room in the real world
an akylosaurus called muffin
Dec whats the password gentoo
zfs infects otherwise blank disk
upgrading to larger luks encrypted m.2 drive
back to flog
flog archives

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I am not responsible for anything that works or does not work including files and pages made available at www.jumpstation.co.uk I am also not responsible for any information(or what you or others do with it) available at www.jumpstation.co.uk
In fact I'm not responsible for anything ever, so there!